About the Event

At the ‘Talent For Good’ Lunch you will learn how our corporate partners such as CBRE, Barclays, Invesco and Johnson and Johnson are using Micro-Tyco, a multi-award winning entrepreneurial training programme, to attract, retain and develop talent. The event will feature:

  • A case study from CBRE on how their partnership with WildHearts has enabled them to build a development and engagement programme that stimulates leadership, innovation and resourcefulness, whilst nurturing their talent of the future through their Future Leaders programme.
  • An overview as to how Micro-Tyco has expanded into 25 countries with over 45,000 people having taken part to date.
  • An introduction to WildHearts’ local & global social impact and the part Micro-Tyco has played in transforming over 300,000 lives globally.
  • A question and answer and discussion session with like-minded peers.

All WildHearts event tickets are complementary, for WildHearts customers and supporters, although not guaranteed. Apply for your ticket below.

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