About the Event

Gerald Mathieu, CEO of Barclays Switzerland, and Mick Jackson, Founder and CEO of WildHearts, invite you to join them at the next WildHearts Talent For Good Lunch. At the ‘Talent For Good’ Lunch you will learn how our corporate partners such as CBRE, Barclays, Invesco and Johnson and Johnson are using Micro-Tyco, a multi-award winning entrepreneurial training programme, to attract, retain and develop talent. The event will feature:

  • A case study from Barclays on how their partnership with WildHearts has enabled them to build a development and engagement programme that stimulates leadership, innovation and resourcefulness, whilst nurturing their talent of the future.
  • An overview as to how Micro-Tyco has expanded into 25 countries with over 45,000 people having taken part to date.
  • An introduction to WildHearts’ local & global social impact and the part Micro-Tyco has played in transforming over 300,000 lives globally.
  • A question and answer and discussion session with like-minded peers.

All WildHearts event tickets are complementary, for WildHearts customers and supporters, although not guaranteed. Apply for your ticket below.